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As a Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA), you will stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive job market. CSWA certification is proof of your SOLIDWORKS® expertise – cutting-edge skills that businesses seek out and reward.

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A Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional is an individual who has successfully passed our advanced skills examination. Each CSWP has proven their ability to design and analyze parametric parts and moveable assemblies using a variety of complex features in SOLIDWORKS.

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A Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert is someone who easily demonstrates the ability to utilize advanced functions and features to solve complex modeling challenges inside SOLIDWORKS. A CSWE will be well rounded in their knowledge of all areas of the SOLIDWORKS software. A CSWE is able to solve practically any modeling problem given to them, and is traditionally the go-to SOLIDWORKS user among their colleagues.

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CSWP – Sheet metal

The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Sheet Metal exam shows that an individual has successfully passed a skills test that demonstrates their ability to use the sheet metal tools inside of SOLIDWORKS. Employers can be confident that an individual possessing this certification understands the set of tools inside SOLIDWORKS that will aid in the design of sheet metal components.

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CSWP – Weldments

The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Weldments exam proves that you’ve successfully demonstrated your ability to use the SOLIDWORKS tools for Weldments.

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CSWP – Surfacing

SOLIDWORKS software includes many advanced surfacing tools. The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Surfacing Specialist exam is used to gauge someone’s ability to utilize these tools in the creation of complex surfaces. Successful completion of this exam also shows the user’s ability to troubleshoot and fix broken surface bodies, or imported bodies that are incorrect.

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CSWP – Mold Tools

The Advanced Mold Tools exam will test your ability to utilize the Mold Tools found in SOLIDWORKS. Understanding SOLIDWORKS Mold Tools will help to aid a user in the completion of a robust mold design in an efficient manner.

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The Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Simulation Specialist exam is designed to test an individual’s complete understanding of Simulation tools inside SOLIDWORKS. Candidates who successfully pass this certification exam have demonstrated the ability to set up, run, and examine the results of various types of Simulation scenarios. They also have demonstrated the ability to interpret the various results available to them in SOLIDWORKS Simulation.